“This is Your Show” from Compassion & Choices

A new end-of-life planning video from Compassion & Choices came out this month, and we wanted to share it.

From the video description:

“This year people all over the world have been impacted by the coronavirus pandemic, experiencing isolation, economic challenges, losing loved ones and so much more. This year has also shone a brighter light on the persistent, systemic inequities with healthcare in this country when it comes to treatment and outcomes for African Americans, Hispanics/Latinos and Native Americans. Collectively, people are more concerned with all aspects of life’s end.

“While end-of-life planning has been an option for many years, very few people have documented their wishes, completed advance care directives, named a healthcare proxy in the event they can’t speak for themselves, or planned how to stay in control in the event of a dementia diagnosis. Those conversations are becoming more common now, in the face of the pandemic.

“Compassion & Choices has the tools and resources you need to start your planning and Finish Strong. At Compassion & Choices, we envision a society that affirms life and accepts the inevitability of death, embraces expanded options for compassionate dying, and empowers everyone to choose end-of-life care that reflects their values, priorities, and beliefs. This Your Show is a beautiful expression of that mission.”

We at VSED Resources Northwest encourage you to visit End of Life Washington or the end-of-planning page at Compassion & Choices while you are still able to write the final chapter of your life.

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